Çinko saç ve tırnak gelişiminin olmazsa olmaz elementlerindendir.Çinko eksikliği saç dökülmesi yanı sıra saçta ve tırnaklarda kalite kaybına sebep olmaktadır.Tedaviye çinko eklenmesi sorunun hızla düzelmesini sağlar.
Bilimsel yayın 1
Oral zinc therapy for zinc deficiency-related telogen effluvium.
Karashima T, Tsuruta D, Hamada T, Ono F, Ishii N, Abe T, Ohyama B, Nakama T, Dainichi T, Hashimoto T.
Department of Dermatology, Kurume University School of Medicine, and Kurume University Institute of Cutaneous Cell Biology, Kurume, Japan.
Zinc is crucial for maintaining human body homeostasis and is one of the major components of hormones, signal molecules, and enzymes. Zinc deficiency is caused by insufficient uptake of zinc from food, or caused by malabsorption syndromes, increased gastrointestinal and urinary losses, and administration of various medications. In order to test whether oral zinc administration can successfully improve zinc deficiency-related alopecia, we treated five patients with zinc deficiency-related telogen effluvium with oral zinc administration in the form of polaprezinc (Promac®). In all patients, hair loss was cured or improved. The administration of zinc for zinc deficiency-related alopecia may recover appropriate activities of metalloenzymes, hedgehog signaling, and immunomodulation, all of which are required for normal control of hair growth cycle.
© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Bilimsel yayın 2
Relation Zinc and Calcium Concentrations in Hair to Zinc Nutrition in Rats
Department of Biochemistry, American University of Beirut,
Beirut, Lebanon
ABSTRACT Zinc concentration decreased substantially in newly grown hair of
nearly all rats depleted of zinc by being fed diets containing approximately 2 ppm
zinc. Lowered zinc concentrations in hair occurred with significantly greater fre
quency than decreased growth rates. Some rats with markedly decreased zinc concen
trations in hair, however, maintained growth rates that did not differ from those of
pair-fed controls consuming the same diet but supplemented with 20 ppm of zinc. It
is concluded that zinc concentrations in hair are dependent upon zinc intake, but that
they do not necessarily reflect the severity of the metabolic effects of zinc deficiency
as manifested by impaired growth rates. Lowered concentrations of zinc in the hair
of zinc-depleted rats were associated with elevated concentrations of calcium.
The concentration of zinc in hak is
about 10 times that in visceral organs and
about 200 times that in plasma. A previ
ous study ( 1) showed that zinc concentra
tions decreased significantly in the hair of
rats when zinc intake in the diet was low.
Miller et al. (2) observed a decline in the
zinc concentrations in the hair of calves
fed diets containing minimal concentra
tions of zinc. Studies of human hak also
have shown that changes in zinc concen
tration may occur. Lowered concentra
tions of zinc were found by Strain et al.
(3) in the hak of Egyptian youths exhib
iting the syndrome of arrested growth, en
largement of liver and spleen and anemia,
attributed by Prasad et al. (4) to zinc de
ficiency. A study of the hak of Iranian
villagers (5) demonstrated a prevalence
of decreased concentrations of zinc com
pared with the hak of well-nourished ur
ban residents. The difference was attri
buted to the lower intake of available zinc
by the villagers. Evidence provided by
these studies suggests that the concentra
tion of zinc in hak depends upon zinc
intake, although the nature and degree of
the dependence have not been established.
The signs of zinc deficiency are non
specific and often equivocal. Proof that
zinc is a limiting factor in nutrition may
be difficult to obtain, and examination of
hak for its zinc concentration has poten
tialities as an aid to the detection of zinc
deficiency. The purpose of this study was
to learn more about the relationship be
tween zinc nutrition and zinc in hair. In
particular, it seemed necessary to estab
lish whether the lowered concentrations of
zinc in hak are closely related to the
metabolic disturbances associated with
zinc deficiency, or whether they are a
largely passive response to the lowered
intake of zinc in the diet.
Rats of a local Sprague-Dawley strain
weighing 40 to 60 g were fed a diet similar
to that described by Forbes and Yohe (6),
modified in that 2 parts casein and 1 part
gelatin supplied protein at a level of
14.8%. The casein was extracted with
0.1% disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) solution several times to re
move most of the zinc, and then with
water to remove the EDTA. The diet con
tained all other essential constituents and
supported a satisfactory rate of growth
when zinc was added. The diet included
1% by weight of CaHPU4. Zinc concen
trations in the diets were measured, follow
ing digestion with nitric and perchloric
acids, either by extraction with dithizone
in carbon tetrachloride according to Wolff
Received for publication April 1, 1968.
i Supported in part by Public Health Service Re
search Grants nos. AM-09622 and AM-05285 (to
Columbia University) from the National Institute of
Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases.
îSome of the studies here presented were described
in a preliminary report published in the Proceedings
of The Third Symposium on Human Nutrition and
Health in the Near East held in Beirut May 15, 1967.
J. NUTRITION,96: 519-524.
by guest on November 12, 2012 jn.nutrition.org Downloaded from 520 JOHN G. REINHOLD, GEORGE A. KFOURY AND MICHAEL ARSLANIAN
(7) or by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. They varied between 1.5 and 2.6
ppm (table 1 ). Control rats from the same
litter paired according to sex and weight
were fed the low zinc diet supplemented
with zinc carbonate to provide in four of
five experiments a zinc concentration ap
proximating 20 ppm. This amount is
nearly twice the estimated minimal re
quirements of the rat (6) but well below
toxic concentrations. It approximates the
dietary zinc level at which zinc concentra
tions in hair remain stable. In series 9,
the control diet contained 30 ppm. The
food consumption of the controls was ad
justed each day to that of the experimental
rats. Rats were housed in stainless steel
cages. Deionized water was provided ad
Hair was sheared with electric clippers
from the ventral surface within 1 to 11
days after the rats were started on the
diets. A second shearing confined to the
same area provided hair grown during the
experimental period. Under “periods of
study” (table 1), the numbers designate
the times of the first and second shearings
(as number of days after start of experi
ment). In series 9, a second harvest of
hair was obtained from 12 of the original
24 rats. The initial shearings were delayed
in four experiments for 5 to 11 days to
enable hair “in process” to be extruded
and removed.
The hair was washed with a sulfonated
fatty acid detergent (Lux Liquid) in water
(approximately 0.1% solution, v/v), and
rinsed with deionized water until no evi
dence of foaming was detected. Two wash
ings with 95% ethanol and one with ethyl
ether followed. The hair was then allowed
to equilibrate with air at room tempera
ture for several days. Duplicate samples
of 50 to 100 mg were digested with nitric
acid followed by perchloric acid until the
digests were colorless. The acids were
fumed off, and the residue was dissolved
in 2 ml deionized water. Care was taken
to avoid loss of zinc through overheating
or prolonged heating of the residue during
the fuming-off.
»Perkin-Elmer Model 303 Atomic Absorption SpectrophotomrttT, Perldn-Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, Con
by guest on November 12, 2012 jn.nutrition.org Downloaded from ZINC CONCENTRATIONS IN HAIR 521
The zinc concentration in the digest was
measured with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer3 equipped with a zinc-cal
cium hollow cathode emission lamp. Meas
urements were made at 213.8 mu using an
acetylene-compressed air mixture in pro
portions that formed a blue flame which
became white when fuel flow was slightly
increased or auxiliary air flow slightly de
creased. The readings were recorded on a
Moseley chart recorder and corrected for
a blank which had been carried through
the digestion procedure. Comparison was
made with zinc standards prepared from
zinc sulfate heptahydrate crystals dissolved
in water.
Zinc concentrations in hair and growth
rates were considered to be significantly
decreased when they differed from the
means of the controls by more than two
standard deviations.
Table 1 summarizes the studies made of
five groups of rats. The expected decrease
in growth rate occurred when diets low in
zinc were fed. Growth rates of deficient
and control rats were lower than those
previously reported (1) in which the defi
cient diets had contained more zinc. No
close correlation, however, between zinc
content of the diet within the range used
in these experiments and rate of growth
or other signs of zinc deficiency was evi
dent. The occurrence of lesions of the skin
on the paws and around the eyes, bleeding
into stomach and intestine, and suscepti
bility to other effects of low zinc intake
varied considerably. Litter size was a no
ticeably important determinant; pups from
litters of 11 or more were more vulnerable
than those from litters of 6 to 10. Growth
rates of control rats also were subnormal
because of the curtailed intake of food
resulting from paired feeding.
In agreement with previous observa
tions (1), the concentration of zinc in
hair decreased substantially in the rats
consuming the low zinc diets. A new and
interesting observation was the prompt
ness with which the changes in zinc con
centrations of hair occurred. In series 9
and 11, these declined by 20 and 25% in
20- and 17-day periods, in series 10 and
17, by more than 40% in 33 to 35 days.
Longer periods of zinc deprivation, how
ever, were accompanied by only moderate
additional changes, as a third shearing in
series 9 demonstrates.
Zinc concentrations in the hair of con
trol rats receiving 20 ppm of zinc tended
to decrease slightly during the experi
mental period. This contrasts with the in
crease that occurred in series 9 in the hair
of control rats that were fed diets contain
ing 30 ppm of zinc. A similar result with
the higher intake was observed previously
Significantly decreased concentrations of
zinc in hair occurred in 43 of the 52 rats
fed low zinc diets. The frequency of de
creased concentrations, however, varied be
tween groups. All rats in series 17 showed
a decrease (table 1). In series 9, however,
only 8 of 12 had significantly lowered
zinc concentrations after 20 days on the
diet, although eventually all fell below the
2 SD limit.
Significantly decreased zinc concentra
tions in hair occurred more consistently
than decreased growth rates in the zincdepleted rats (table 2). Only half of the
depleted rats gained weight at rates sig
nificantly lower than those of the controls.
Generally, the rats undergoing the great
est losses of zinc from hair were those
that made the poorest weight gains. Coef
ficients of correlation between rate of gain
and decrease in zinc concentration in hair
per day were significant in two experi
ments. In series 16, r = —0.69 was sig
nificant at P < 0.02, and in series 17 a
significant correlation (r = —0.61, P<
0.02) was demonstrated when controls
and deficient rats were included in calcu
lations. Correlations between zinc con
centration in hair and growth were not
significant in the remaining groups. Simi
lar tests applied to the longer term experi
ments with higher zinc intakes described
in our preceding report (1) also failed to
demonstrate a significant correlation. The
variability of the effect of low zinc intake
upon growth was mainly responsible.
Again, zinc concentrations in hair were
more consistently changed in the longer
experiments than growth rates.
The relation between concentrations of
zinc and calcium in hair. Like zinc, little
is known about the calcium content in
by guest on November 12, 2012 jn.nutrition.org Downloaded from 522 JOHN G. REINHOLD, GEORGE A. KFOURY AND MICHAEL ARSLANIAN
Statistical summary
Weight gain Decrease in zinc
No. of rats
Total < 2 SDi Total < 2 SDi
910111617126101012803710441261010128869998< 0.05ns
All series 52 26 52 43 < 0.001
i The number of rats among those fed low zinc diets differing from the means of the controls
by more than 2 so. (See footnote 1 to table 1.)
z Probability that the frequency of significant change in rate of weight gain or decrease of zinc
in hair differed. Tested by the chi-square method.
A Zn mM
Fig. 1 Changes in calcium concentration in
newly grown hair compared with changes in
zinc concentration in rats fed diets containing
low or normal concentrations of zinc. A Ca and
A Zn are expressed as inmoles per day.
hair, the extent of its dependence upon
calcium metabolism, or correlation with
concentrations of zinc. Figures 1 and 2
show typical results in two experiments
in which calcium and zinc concentrations
were measured. Concentrations of calcium
increased, at times substantially, as those
of zinc decreased in hak of depleted rats.
Coefficients of correlation calculated in
three of five experiments (series 11, 9,
and eight deficient rats in series 16) were
—0.53, —0.65 and —0.94. These are sig
nificant at P < 0.05, < 0.001 and < 0.01
levels, respectively. No correlation was
demonstrated in series 10, however, which
differed from the others in that calcium
concentrations in hair decreased during
the experiment. This trend was, however,
less marked in the zinc-depleted rats than
in the controls.
The concentration of zinc in most of the
visceral organs and tissues studied under
goes little change in young rats fed diets
Fig. 2 Results of an experiment similar to
that shown in figure 1. Note the large increment
of calcium in some zinc-deficient rats.
by guest on November 12, 2012 jn.nutrition.org Downloaded from ZINC CONCENTRATIONS IN HAIR 523
low in zinc for 8 to 10 weeks (1). By
contrast, the present study shows that the
concentration of zinc in hair decreases rap
idly and extensively. The zinc concentra
tion decreased by 40 to 50% within 17
days in one experiment and within 20, 26
and 32 days in other experiments. Sub
sequently, zinc concentrations became
stable at approximately half of the con
centrations found in control samples of
hair sheared from the same rat before the
deficient diets took effect. Occasionally,
further declines occurred as the experi
ments continued during a second month.
The lower concentrations of zinc in the
hair of depleted rats observed in these ex
periments are explained by the lowered
zinc concentrations in the diets. These
were less than 2 ppm in four of five ex
periments, whereas in the earlier experi
ments (1) the diets contain about double
this amount. The importance of zinc in
take as a determinant of zinc concentra
tion in hair also is supported by analyses
of the hair of the control rats. When con
trols were fed diets containing 30 ppm of
zinc, the concentration of zinc in hair rose
substantially, whereas at 20 ppm zinc con
centrations in the hair remained stable. It
may be inferred that the intake of 20 ppm
in the diet was equivalent to that during
the first weeks of life, since the hair re
moved at the first shearing had grown
during the neonatal period.
The relationship of the changes occur
ring in the zinc concentrations in hair in
the zinc-depleted rats to the effects of zinc
depletion upon growth rates is of some
interest, since growth failure is one of the
earlier and more prominent manifestations
of zinc deficiency (8). Decreased concen
trations of zinc in hair occurred with a
much higher frequency (83% of the rats)
than did depressed growth rates (50% ).
The difference is highly significant when
tested by the chi-square method (P <
Some rats in each experimental group
were able to maintain growth approximat
ing that of the controls when fed diets
containing less than 2 ppm of zinc. Zinc
concentrations in the hair of such rats
decreased to the same extent as in the
rats that developed signs of deficiency, an
indication that they were not obtaining
zinc from extradietary sources. It must
be concluded, therefore, that the concen
tration of zinc in hair depends mainly
upon the quantity of zinc consumed in the
diet, but that it does not necessarily define
the state of zinc nutrition. A similar con
clusion concerning the significance of the
concentration of zinc in serum was reached
by Mills et al. (9).
No correlation between zinc concentra
tion in hair and that in liver could be dem
onstrated in the rats of series 16 and 17.
Coefficients of correlation were less than
The mechanism by which zinc or other
metals enters hair is unknown. Bates (10)
suggests that this may be by adsorption, a
proposal that is supported by observations
of Kennington (11) on the uptake of so
dium from dilute solutions by hair. The
dependence of zinc concentration in hair
upon dietary intake of zinc would then be
governed by the concentration of zinc
available to the hair follicle. However, hair
contains as much calcium as zinc. The
reciprocal relationship between zinc and
calcium in the hair of zinc-depleted rats
demonstrated in these studies indicates
that the concentration of zinc in hak may
depend upon not only the concentration
of zinc available to the follicle but also the
concentration of calcium. Calcium is
known to aggravate the severity of zinc de
ficiency; Forbes and Yohe (6) believed
this effect to occur at the cellular level,
although Forbes later attributed it to a
depressant effect on intestinal absorption
(12). It appears probable that a competi
tion between zinc and calcium for certain
chemical groupings in hair may exist. It
is conceivable that a similar competition
may exist elsewhere and that this could
affect movement of zinc within the tissues.
Follis (13) observed atrophy of hair
follicles and extensive skin changes as
manifestations of zinc deficiency. It is
possible that the onset of deterioration was
responsible for the lowered zinc concentra
tions. This explanation, however, seems
less satisfactory than one based on a de
creased concentration of zinc in skin.
The authors thank Miss Aznive Saboundjian for technical assistance and Miss
by guest on November 12, 2012 jn.nutrition.org Downloaded from 524 JOHN G. REINHOLD, GEORGE A. KFOURY AN0 MICHAEL ARSLANIAN
Madeleine Basmadjian for performing the
statistical calculations and for aid with
the preparation of the manuscript.
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